Monday, June 05, 2006

Ronaa Nahin Hai

Hello again - I took a 3 hour nap today, and therefore cannot sleep even though I'm supposed to be out of the house this morning at 8 am...

I was just thinking about stuff, about life. I will not claim to say anything deep, because I'm usually just incapable of that. However, I do think that my opinions come from worthy experiences in my life, and maybe that's okay.

Allah has made us so vulnerable. By vulnerable, I mean that we fall for things in this world, and we become attached to them so much - we feel that our entire existence depends upon them. We lose sight of the fact that this life is not all that matters, that however joyous or madly we feel, our existence here will end, and those that we fall so hard for will not be with us.

It's hard to gulp this down. Actually, it hurts, because there are things in this world that one does not want to let go of, because they seem so perfect and magical and wonderful that why would a person ever want to let go of them? Allah, being Allah, accounts for this. How? I feel that every time we are ever disappointed in our lives, we are beckoned to turn back to Allah. Everything else, everyone else in this world is capable of disappointing us - only Allah never disappoints. In this way, what can sometimes hurt so much is a blessing, a reminder from Allah that, yes, this life is full of wonderful, beautiful, joyful things, but when we expect more than should be expected from them, we are hurting our iman, we are hurting ourselves.

Am I advocating leaving behind love? No way. Love is too amazing to leave behind. But we need to always have our priorities straight - I'm still working on it.

I don't know if this makes any sense - I have a suspicion that I used the word "things" wayyyyy too much here, but please feel free to substitute anything you love besides Allah in its place.


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